it's become all autumn-y, so i'm happy.
halloween is a few weeks away. costume ideas?
i'm also hoping that sometime in the next couple months i'm able to visit chicago and my lurvver. i miss big city life =/
i havent had much time [and supplies] to give attention to my journal like i usually do, but i just found this quote i wrote down from the first day of my history class. my professor said, "the reason that i frown is not that i'm mad, i'm thinking." he was saying this in relation to answering students' questions, but i got so much more than that from it. and i want to include it in one of my stories asap. and it applies to me.
I have terribly unoriginal costume ideas, so I can be of no assistance to you in that arena. And if/ when you do visit Chicago, I trust that you will take many beautiful pictures, of course.
Also, I didn't know you wrote stories? I put a question-mark on the end because I'm hoping that I haven't forgotten that I knew it, but it's entirely possible that I did.
pocahontas and mulan all the way
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